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Social Events at the Lieber Clinic

Recovery means more than reducing symptoms, it also means feeling productively engaged in the community, using your talents, and finding enjoyment in the world around us. At Lieber Recovery we offer groups, some peer led, so participants in our services can find expression for their interests and talents. Whether it is watching and discussing a film, participating in a writing workshop, learning coding, gaming together, playing music together, or simply taking a walk in the park, we help Lieber participants find an activity that works for them. These services are provided for free, enabled by generous funding from friends of the Lieber Recovery Clinic.








If you are currently receiving services at Lieber and want to learn more about the activities being offered , please click here to sign into our members only page. If you are a Lieber participant and  need the page password, please ask your coordinator.

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Lieber Recovery Clinic

Columbia Doctors

5 Columbus Circle, 6th Floor

New York, NY 10019

Reception: 212-326-8441

Intake Line: 212-305 6001

© 2024 by Lieber Recovery Clinic

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